Poetry of the Spanish Civil War:
A Reading
hosted by Robert Hass and
Lyn Hejinian
Tuesday, October 4, 7 pm
Durham Studio Theater
Dwinelle Hall
relevant links:
Department of English
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
D.W. Parker, John Robinson, and Langston Hughes (Aragon), September 1967. Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade photograph collection. The Bancroft Library, BANC PIC 1988.047, folder 39
The struggle against rising fascism in Spain inspired participation from a number of creative artists and intellectuals, many of whom held ideals of social justice and egalitarian freedom that are familiar in the early 21st century, too. Joining in the Spanish Civil War involved many in actual fighting, and the number of casualties was enormous, but much magnificent art, including poetry, emerged from the struggle, as well. At this poetry event, Faculty and Graduate Student poets and poetry scholars from the Departments of English and of Spanish and Portuguese will read selections from the trove of great English and Spanish Spanish Civil War poetry.